Data Analysis
Game Analysis With SQL
This course gives a full introduction to SQL for data analysis and focuses specifically on SQL data analysis techniques used in mobile and computer video games.
4 Weeks
16 hrs Of Instruction
Next Course:
August 2024

What You'll Learn
Game Analytics Database Setup: How to Install a local MySQL database server, setup tables and load course data. How to install an SQL client tool (DBEAVER) for querying and accessing the data. How to validate your database installation.  Â
Data Collection, Storage & Access: How is game event data captured and stored. Which cloud and storage technology is best suited to which type of game analysis. Example data capture service and data load utility in action for a popular word game.Â
SELECTing Data:Â How to create tables with the CREATE TABLEs statement. How the SELECT statement works. How to use various result set filtering and limiting functions. How to use the database dictionary to understand database and table structures.
Functions & Operators:Â SQL math and string functions. Comparative and logical operators. The fundamental functions and operators used for complex data analysis in gaming.Â
Dates & Times: Data types and their differences. Conversion from one data type to another? How to manipulate time and dates with INTERVALs. Time difference functions, date addition and date subtraction. Common date and time conversion examples used in game analysis.Â
The CASE Statement: How to use the CASE statement to transform and re-classify game data. How to PIVOT and rotate data for analysis and reporting. Several examples of CASE statement usage, common in mobile game analysis.Â
Joining & Aggregating Data: Why is joining and aggregating data important. The GROUP BY statement. How to combine data from multiple tables efficiently. Use of different SQL join types.Â
Common Game Metrics: TOP 10 gaming metrics by category. The SQL coding required to generate each metric from raw data.  Â
Capstone Project: Capstone project requirements. Capstone project template and recommended approach. How to utilize assignments and course work for your capstone project.Â
This Course Includes
Office Hours With Instructor, Schedulable Instructor 1-On-1s
16 Hours of Instruction Delivered Over 8 Lessons
Downloadable Lesson Slides, Downloadable SQL and Python code
Lesson Assignments, Lesson Quizzes, In-Class Exercises
Final Course Quiz, Capstone Project For Analytics Portfolio
Certificate Of Completion, Digital Certificate Credentials
Course Content
LESSON 01: Data Collection Storage & Access
| LESSON 05: The CASE Statement
| LESSON 06: Joining & Aggregating Data
LESSON 03: Functions & Operators
| LESSON 07: Common Game Metrics - Part I
LESSON 04: Dates & Times
| LESSON 08: Common Game Metrics - Part II
This course is a fundamental and introductory course in SQL and does not have any requirements for previous experience in relational databases, coding, or SQL.Â
Learners will need to be able to install MySQL and DBEaver software and associated drivers on a Windows or Mac computer to be able to access the course data.
This course gives an introduction to SQL for product analytics, with a specific focus on gaming analytics for mobile, PC and console games. This course will cover the basics of the SQL query language, including creating tables, selecting data, functions and operators and aggregating data through summarization and table joins.Â
This course is intended for anyone who is not familiar with or has limited knowledge of SQL and would like to learn effective ways to use it in a client database server setup to understand game analysis techniques.Â
In addition, this course will use approximately 2GB of simulated and real game data to illustrate how metrics used in gaming are created from raw data using the SQL language.Â
This course features several assignments and quizzes to ensure that learners develop a full understanding of the course materials, are able to complete their capstone project and are eligible for a course completion certificate with distinction.