Data Analysis
Data Storytelling Best Practices
This course covers data storytelling techniques and best practices used in gaming and how they can bring clarity and focus to your game analysis results.
Single Session
2 hr Workshop
Next Course:
Every Two Weeks

What You'll Learn
Data Storytelling Styles: Learn the different styles and approaches to data storytelling. Understand the purpose and focus on data storytelling. Learn how different styles are best suited for a particular purpose or goal.
Understanding Your Audience: How to understand your audience. How audience type impacts presentation success. How to engage and connect with your audience. How to explain your needs and goals.
Examples Of Great & Poor Presentation Styles: How two great examples of presentations (good and bad practices) create different audience outcomes. How experience, communication, presentation style and content create measurable differences in audience engagement and effectiveness.
In-Class Exercise/Case Study: Through in-class discussions, case studies and workshops, practice presentations and apply skills and knowledge from the class. Showcase your work to other class learners.
Data Storytelling Best Practices: Data storytelling best practices. How to apply best practices to clearly present goals and objectives effectively.
How To Play To Your Strengths: Learn about individual strengths and styles. Learn frameworks to determine your individual strengths. How to use your individual strengths in your own data storytelling presentations.
This Course Includes
2-hour Instructor-led Course/Workshop
In-Class Group Discussion And Exercise
Downloadable Slide Presentation
Questions & Answers Session
Course Content
1. The Goals Of Data Storytelling
| 3. Workshop Case Study
2. Example Presentations
| 4. Data Storytelling Best Practices
5. Question & Answer Session |
No prior experience is required for this course/workshop.
This course will give you an overview of data storytelling best practices with real-life examples and class workshops to help you craft meaningful narratives when sharing your game data insights.
This class helps with frameworks to understand the purpose of the data presentation, the intended audience and the different styles of storytelling you can employ to communicate results with purpose.
This course includes real-life presentations, demonstrating the power of effective storytelling and the negative impact poorly designed presentations leave on their audience. In addition, the in-class workshop will provide an opportunity to work through an example and tailor a presentation to a specific objective and audience.
Take this course as part of the Masterclass: Data Visualization & Storytelling, which includes the 2-hour Data Visualization Best Practices course and workshop. Selecting the Masterclass: Data Visualization & Storytelling gives a bundled discount for 4 hours of data presentation skills and practice.